The data is in! When your message needs to be seen, you need to send a text
alert. No channel offers a faster or more convenient way to reach your audience.

Woman Text Leads to View House

Improve Safety & Security
with SMS Alerts

Mass texting is the fastest way to get your message to a group, and with most messages opened 
within seconds of receipt, you can be sure it will be seen.

  • Send Emergency Weather Alerts

    Send alerts to notify employees or customers about natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or severe storms. Provide safety instructions, evacuation routes, and updates on the situation as it unfolds.

  • Keep Your Building & Campus Safe

    Alert stakeholders about security threats such as intrusions, suspicious activities, or safety concerns. Provide guidance on precautions to take and steps to follow to ensure their safety.

  • Tighten Security with 2FA SMS

    Add an extra layer of security to online accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA), and make the process fast and convenient by powering security authentication with SMS messaging.

Consumers Prefer SMS Messages

Payment Reminder Text Message Example

Use SMS to Send Critical Financial Alerts

  • Send Timely Billing Reminders

    No one wants to miss a payment. Help keep your customers and clients in good standing with timely SMS reminders.

  • Alert Customers to Expiring Credits

    One simple text alert can drive action, and your customers will be happy they didn’t lose their valuable credits or points.

  • Send Financial Transaction Alerts

    Inform customers about important financial transactions as they occur, including deposits, donations, payments, or withdrawals. Remember to add transaction details to your text, including the amount, date, time, and all relevant account information.

  • Inform Customers of Data Breaches

    Instantly notify customers about data breaches or other security incidents that may have compromised their personal information. Be sure to provide guidance on next steps.

Consumers prefer SMS over email
for Account Security: 66% to 19%

*2024 Consumer Behavior Texting Report

Keep Everyone Up to the Minute with Time-Sensitive Alerts

The convenience of text marketing gets your message in front of your audience, then it’s up to you to create compelling lead generation messages to grab attention and grow your list.

  • Send Real Time Delivery Updates

    Customers want to know when their packages are arriving for many reasons—from security to logistics—and SMS delivery alerts help keep them informed in real time.

  • Send SMS Alerts for Limited-Time Offers

    Use your text list to send your best limited-time promotions. Remember to state a clear value, use “can’t miss” language, and a compelling call-to-action.

  • Vanish No-Shows with Appointment Alerts

    People love the convenience of a text appointment alert, and this one pre-appointment text can cut down on no-shows as much as 92%!

Shipment Tracking Text Alerts
in 2024

How an Engineering Firm Keeps Their Workforce Safe

Thumbnail - Customer Stories Redesign Keystone
I would recommend EZ Texting to other businesses because it saves valuable time and effort in getting those communications out to the people that need to hear them.
Josh Thibodeaux, Safety Director
Keystone Engineering

Connect Instantly with
SMS Alerts

Keep your employees up-to-date and safe with important SMS alerts and see how other businesses succeed with SMS.

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