Effortlessly drive more donations and meet your fundraising goals with the 
convenience and engagement of SMS marketing.

Turn Text Into Donations

Power Fundraising Performance with the Engagement & Convenience of Text

Significantly boost your fundraising performance with personalized appeals, urgent calls to action, and real-time updates sent via text. Texting simplifies donations, enabling supporters to contribute effortlessly, maximizing the effectiveness of every campaign.

  • Exceed Your Goals with Text-to-Donate Messages

    Start a text-to-donate or text-to-give campaign to activate your audience and allow donors to contribute directly to your fundraising efforts.

  • Create Matching Gift Challenges

    Create a sense of urgency and drive bigger donations by launching a matching gift challenge sent via text message to incentivize giving.

  • Keep Your Campaigns Fresh with SMS Pledge Reminders

    Send gentle reminders to those who have yet to donate, or who have pledged donations but haven’t yet followed through.

text message for donations example
QR CODE Text to Sign Up Cooking Class

Activate Your Fundraising Team

  • SMS Makes Volunteer Recruitment a Breeze

    Before your next donation drive, spread the word about volunteer opportunities and simplify onboarding with SMS registration.

  • Instant Communication with Your Fundraising Team

    Whether canvassing for donations or working a fundraising event, SMS makes it easy to synch with your entire team, instantly.

  • Event Fundraising is Easy with SMS

    Send event reminders, registration details, and donation prompts to supporters to maximize event participation and contributions.

Build a Donor Community &
Award Appreciation

Use the convenience and personal touch of SMS and text marketing to grow your fundraising list, foster community among your cause, and award donors after you’ve met your campaign goals.

  • Use Segmentation & Personalization to Build Awareness

    By dividing your audience into groups based on demographics, interests, or donation history, you can deliver the most relevant messages.

  • Track & Share Your Campaign Progress

    Monitor response rates and adjust your approach based on which messages resonate most, then share your progress with your donor community.

  • Follow-Up & Thank You Messages

    It’s best practice to always send a “thank you” follow-up message after a donation has been made. SMS makes the process painless.

We did it! Thank you!
in annual savings
texts sent per week

How a Nonprofit Saved Over $200K in Overhead & Bolstered Donations

Big brother big sister donations
Big Brother Big Siter
EZ Texting makes messaging easy to use, easy to train on and has a high return on investment. It presents a new means by which we communicate with our growing segment of our 200K strong donor base. I highly recommend the platform!
Steven Beck, Executive Director,
Big Brother Big Sister Foundation
Drive more donations
with the ease of SMS for
See All Case Studies