What Is Mass Texting?

What is mass texting example 1

Mass texting is a communication strategy that allows a single business or organization to send one text message to a large list of recipients, all at once, via a mass texting provider. Mass texting is the fastest and easiest way to get your message seen by dozens, hundreds, or thousands at once, whether you’re sending a critical alert, event reminder, or a promotional offer.

Mass text messaging offers a phenomenal open rate (98% vs. just 21% for email) with nearly 70% of all texts read within 5 minutes of receipt.

Retailers, restaurants, churches, and political parties all send mass text messages to keep their contacts up to date with relevant, helpful, and timely information.

If you have customers, clients, or contacts of any stripe, mass texting is the fastest and most convenient way to get your message seen.

mass texting fast response rate

Benefits of Mass Texting

Reach Your Entire Audience at Once…

Almost everyone has a mobile phone and text message marketing allows you reach to your entire universe of contacts by sending one message.

… or Segment Your Audience for Targeted Mass Text Messages

Many mass text messaging services allow you to segment your audience and send targeted messages to different groups of people, improving the relevance of your messages and driving engagement.


SMS marketing allows you to quickly and easily personalize your text messaging for each of your contacts, making even a mass text feel like it was meant just for them.

High Open Rates = More Engagement

People are more likely to open and read text messages than emails. In fact, s show that text marketing messages have open rates as high as 98%, compared to just 20% for emails.


Text message marketing allows your followers to read and respond to your messages quickly and conveniently on a mobile device, making it easy for them to receive information and take action.

Why Use Mass Texting Instead of Individual Texts?

In a word: time. Mass texting saves you incredible amounts of time by allowing you to reach your entire audience at once, instantly, without sacrificing the personal touch modern audiences expect.

And with a best-in-class mass texting service like EZ Texting, you’ll find even more time-saving features like SafeSTOP (to help keep your messages compliant) and AI Compose, to help write messages faster while enjoying up to a 30% increase in response rates.

How to Send Mass Text Messages

How to send mass texts

Mass text messages are sent through an SMS provider. These platforms, like EZ Texting, have significant advantages over messaging apps and other forms of mass marketing.

The best mass texting software are simple to use, use friendly pricing plans, and offer a variety of features designed to optimize your experience and outcomes.

Sending a mass text message is as simple as logging in to a platform like EZ Texting, choosing a group of contacts you'd like to send to, composing your message and scheduling it to be sent. For more, learn everything you need to know about how to send bulk text messages.


Do I Need Special Software to Send Mass Texts?

Yes. In order to send mass texts to your contacts you will need to join a mass texting platform, like EZ Texting. The best mass texting providers have strong relationships with carriers and will make navigating compliance and registration a breeze.



Mass Text Messaging Software

The best mass text messaging software, like EZ Texting, can be used for more than sending text messages. We’ve developed our application with features designed to generate engagement and encourage action!


Features of Mass Texting Software

Contact List Management for Mass Texting

Segmenting your list by interests, past purchase, or location for increased targeting and adding personalization to your messages are two powerful arguments for staying on top of your SMS contact list management.

We’ve created safeguards to prevent the same message going to contacts who appear in multiple groups, and we’ll save you even more time and money by scanning your list for invalid numbers.

mass text contact management

mass text automation

Scheduling & Automations

EZ Texting’s set-it-and-forget-it functionality allows you to schedule your mass texts to be sent at any day and time in the future. Pair scheduling with text automations to save even more time.

Schedule each message to be sent when it will attract the maximum attention.

Personalization for Mass Texts

While the term “mass texting” may imply something impersonal, SMS marketing’s push notification nature, segmenting your list for targeted messaging, and personalization features make it the most convenient and engaging way to reach a large audience, instantly.

mass text messaging personalization

Mass SMS Reporting

Delivery Tracking & Analytics

EZ Texting’s robust SMS marketing reporting and analytics features allow you to track everything from click-through-rates (CTR) to opt-outs, giving you maximum insight into how to optimize your next message for unlimited growth potential.

Considering Mass Texting Services?

Wondering if signing up for a mass texting service is right for you? Our mobile-first world runs on convenience and there’s no more effective and convenient way to reach your audience than with text marketing.

With the right service provider and mass texting strategy you can boost your audience response and engagement rates by as much as 100%.


Legal Considerations (GDPR/TCPA)


Yes, it is legal to send mass text messages. With that said, it is strictly a permission-based activity and subject to a few important rules and regulations, including:

  • Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991: Prevents organizations from sending spam text messages.
  • Mobile Marketing Association's Code of Conduct: Protects consumer privacy and prevents abuse of the communication channel.
  • Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA): Prohibits using language likely to cause offense and stipulates that businesses and organizations cannot use their mass text messaging service to endorse pornography, profanity, violence, hate speech, or illegal drug use.

Just use common sense and make sure you are only sending messages to contacts who have opted into the service. In addition to consent, be sure to provide a way for them to opt out to maintain a good user experience. For more information, visit our in-depth guide to SMS compliance.

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5 Mass Text CTIA Compliance Tips

  1. No Unsolicited Messages
  2. Use Proper Opt-In Methods
  3. Explain You Recurring Text Program
  4. Allow Customers to Opt-Out Easily
  5. Your Content Must Be Appropriate


These are example Questions that can be asked and answered within the content

Mass texting saves you time and effort by sending one SMS marketing message to many recipients. And the larger your contact list, the more time it saves! Mass texting is ideal for sending appointment reminders, marketing offers, or urgent updates to a large audience.

Mass texting is one of the most cost-effective and affordable marketing channels. See EZ Texting Pricing.