Contact Management

Teammate Manager Screenshot
Stat 90%

more texts are opened
and read than emails

Stat 90%

of SMS subscribers plan to purchase
an item after seeing a relevant ad

Stat 5x

of consumers open a text after
receipt — 6X the rate of email

Add & Upload Contacts

Easy Contact Upload

Use our CSV template to quickly upload existing contact lists into EZ Texting.

Thousands of Free Integrations

Easily sync your contacts from popular apps like Contact Contact, HubSpot, Mailchimp, and more.

App & Mobile Phone Compatible

Add contacts on the go using the mobile app.

Manage Contacts

Unlimited Contacts

Texting at scale? Manage an unlimited number of contacts in EZ Texting.

Custom Fields

Enrich contact records with additional contact information to create targeted messages and campaigns.

Personalized Messages

Increase engagement and response rates by personalizing text messages with contact details, such as first name.

Two-Way Conversations

Have two-way text conversations with individual contacts and easily view your texting history over time.

Create Groups & Segments

Detailed Segmentation

Sort and organize contacts into groups that share similar interests, locations, preferences, and more.

Targeted Notifications

Use groups to send individualized, targeted notifications that are most likely to generate interest and response.

Minimize Opt-Outs

Minimize opt-outs by reducing communications that won’t apply to specific contacts.

Permission-Based Groups

Easily remove bounced numbers and unsubscribed contacts from groups.

No Hidden Fees
Opt-In Tools
Unlimited Contacts
Contact Management
Message Automations
Advanced Reports

Achieve Higher

ROI on Campaigns

Segment your audience into groups and you’ll raise ROI by sending targeted text messages with precision and ending duplicate messages for good.

Achieve Higher

Improved Engagement

Minimize opt-outs and boost engagement by keeping your messages text worthy and your contact lists scrubbed by easily removing bounced numbers.

Achieve Higher

Enhanced Efficiency

Skip the stress and upload contacts with ease. EZ Texting helps you import contacts from Excel and CSV spreadsheets, along with manual upload options.

Contact Management - Video Thumbnail

Contact Management at EZ Texting

Efficient contact management can lead to greater engagement and higher ROI. Add unlimited contacts and groups, segment your audience, personalize messages, and more with EZ Texting.


Frequently Asked Questions


Unquestionably! Text marketing is a widely adopted, hugely popular, and incredibly efficient and engaging form of communication. Allowing potential contacts to interact with you and your brand via text by starting a mobile loyalty program or rewards club can all help drive new contacts to your business. EZ Texting’s list-growth tools like webforms, Keywords, and QR codes can all be used to level-up your lists.



Yes! Please see our video, How to Add Contacts, for more information. But remember, text marketing is a permission-based activity and requires consent from everyone you plan to message. Luckily, we make it easy to gather consent through webforms, QR codes, and Keywords.



Contact import and management is available with all EZ Texting pricing plans.



EZ Texting has seamless integrations with powerful contact management tools Constant Contact and HubSpot. You can also connect to even further apps using our Zapier integration, which allows you to connect with thousands of popular apps.



EZ Texting offers multiple tools and contact-list integrations to help make uploading and managing your contacts as simple as possible.