Mobile Messaging Made Easy

Text marketing’s 98% engagement rate means your messages will be read and responded to — fast. No other channel comes close.


EZ Texting Named Top Rated 2019 Marketing Tool by TrustRadius

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EZ Texting Named Top Rated 2019 Marketing Tool by TrustRadius

Top Rated Marketing Tools for 2019 by TrustRadiusA special thanks to our loyal customers, who made EZ Texting one of the Top Rated Outstanding Marketing Tools for 2019. TrustRadius, the most trusted site for B2B software reviews, is used by about 400,000 B2B technology buyers each month to make informed purchasing decisions. Their Top Rated Awards honor the companies with the highest consumer ratings in their categories. Alongside other marketing tools like Google AdWords, Facebook for Business, and Sprout Social, EZ Texting was named #1 in Mobile Marketing in the Marketing Tools category. 

Best of all, it was chosen by YOU, our customers, not some ivory-tower analyst. The metrics that drive Top Rated (Recency, Relevancy, Rating) reflect what customers actually care about, not the latest hype. This is no vanity award — being a top-rated marketing tool means that we are delivering on our mission to be the fastest, easiest, and most reliable way to connect with your mobile audience. Because TrustRadius is 100% neutral (no ads, paid leads, or paid placements, every user and review verified, and stringent fraud protection), their annual Top Rated Awards represent the true voice of the market. 

“We use EZ texting to communicate important details to the attendees of our events. We notify them of weather alerts, changes to our schedule, and meeting locations. We love how EZ texting easily gets the word out, and our attendees can easily reply back to our messages… I would definitely recommend EZ texting to anyone who desires to send announcements to a large group, or who hosts events.”


– Angela Terry | Customer Care | Religious Institution

Read more TrustRadius user reviews of our mobile marketing platform. They know EZ Texting is your way to Send Smarter. Ready to check out an award-winning text marketing platform? Sign up for a free trial, no credit card required. 

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Introducing New Generative AI Features!

Now it’s even easier for your team to connect with your audience and collaborate on inbound messages. Yes, that means fewer missed messages!
Welcome to texting transformed.

TEAM INBOX: Assign and collaborate on 1:1 messages, enabling faster problem resolution through streamlined teamwork. Start Here
AI REPLY: Drastically reduce two-way texting response time by letting AI handle inquiries - faster, smarter, better! Start Here
AI COMPOSE: Craft captivating mass messages to start and continue conversations with generative AI. Start Here