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5 Text Marketing Tips for Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day Tips Featured Image
September 15, 2022
EZ Texting
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Reading time about 3 min

Valentine’s Day might be harvest time for jewelers, florists, and chocolatiers, but almost every industry can tweak its marketing strategy to take advantage of the holiday which, after Christmas, sees more spending than any other.

Consumers spent more than $20 billion on Valentine's Day last year, and much of that revenue will come from smartphones and tablets, with mobile coupons and special offers playing a significant role. To give your mobile marketing strategy some heart-shaped oomph this year, try these six ideas to help your audience get engaged in more ways than one!

1. 'Bring a Partner Discount'

For Valentine’s-themed mobile coupons, why not offer a 2-for-1 deal? Though they're intuitively suitable for restaurants, spas, and hotels, mobile coupons can drive traffic to virtually any type of business.


2. Social Media Makeover

In the run up to the big day, overhaul your social media presence to give off a hearts-and-flowers vibe. Facebook should be a primarily visual medium, so focus on creating strong images with a romance-forward theme (a variation of your logo could be a good start). Humor is key, as it makes your posts more shareable, so if you can find a way to poke fun at the holiday while invoking its sentimental center, you’ve hit the Valentine’s mobile marketing jackpot.


3. Dedicated Microsite

To reinforce your Valentine’s Day message, create a separate landing page or microsite. Forget about using it as a direct sales channel. Instead, hand it over to your most creative people to showcase their talents. Run a themed competition such as a Saint Valentine quiz with a romantic vacation as the prize. A separate site provides a chance to amplify the themed design elements and show your customers you’re serious about whatever Valentine's Day offers you’re making.


4. Be Ready for 'The Last Minute Men'

In 2013, Adobe found that spending on gifts steadily increased throughout January and early February, but spiked during the last five days before the 14th. Much like at Christmas, there’s a significant portion of consumers who leave their Valentine’s shopping until the last minute, so pushing last minute mobile coupons and other mobile marketing tactics can really pay off. And with Valentine’s Day falling on a Saturday, the ‘last minute’ effect promises to be even greater this year.


5. Originality Breeds Attention

If your strategy has been lacking in originality, Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to try something fresh for Q1. Encourage user engagement by asking them to share love stories, or take a leaf out of iconic jeweler Tiffany’s book and try something along the lines of their ‘Concierge of Love’ campaign. If you have the resources to create a Valentine’s app with your original idea, go for it – you can resurrect it every year to maximize your ROI.


Whichever mobile marketing strategy you adopt, be sure to combine your approaches in a creative, engaging fashion. Give your mobile marketing strategy some love this Valentine’s Day and your bottom line will come up smelling of roses.

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