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How to Use Halloween SMS Messages for Business Promotions in 2021

12 Tricky Tips Featured Image
September 15, 2022
Lauren Goldenberg
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Reading time about 4 min

Are you frightened of Halloween? Mask restrictions, pivoting plans, and the potential of disappointed kids (and frustrated parents) can make even the bravest business owner shiver. And yes, Halloween may be different this season. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be great.

Businesses can use lessons learned from last year and create a season-long experience. SMS marketing can help drive customers to on-site or virtual experiences, and can be quickly deployed if plans change.

Effective SMS Marketing Tactics For Halloween 2021

In-flux COVID-19 city and state mandates, as well as public sentiment, may make it challenging to plan specific in-person events. Will people be up for celebrating or will they want more virtual options? But one thing is clear: Candy, sugar, and costumes are absolutely essential. 

As far back as May, forecasting firm Trendalytics noted an uptick in Halloween related searches. And searches aren’t just for kiddie-costume inspo; they’re also for home-related decor, adult costumes, and beauty products to elevate a Halloween-inspired look.

As Halloween has shifted from an October 31 sugar-fest for kids to an all-season event enjoyed by all ages, businesses across categories can take advantage of the season and take part in Halloween-related events and promotions.


of all messages are read within 30 minutes.

Wickedly “FANGtastic” Ideas To Boost Halloween Sales

Using SMS marketing can help you engage with customers all season long. Even businesses not selling candy and costumes can make the most of the festive season. Here, actionable strategies to boost sales and engagement. 


1. Consider Your Marketing Calendar

Look at the calendar for the next few months and consider how Halloween events fit into anything else you’re planning. It’s also helpful to take a wide-range perspective and think about any marketing you may do in November and December. Depending on your business, November and December may be bigger shopping months. It can be helpful, then, to use Halloween campaigns as a test — seeing what works, what doesn’t, and growing your database so you can create impactful engagement as you round out Q4.


2. Use Puns for Low-Touch Engagement

BOGO (buy one, get one) coupons are proven ways to boost engagement, sales, and foot traffic. But in October? It’s BOO!GO. Using puns can be a low-touch way to signal the season and can be deployed all month long. A BOGO campaign can be used across businesses, even ones that may not be selling anything to do with Halloween.


3. Offer Incentives For Foot Traffic

SMS marketing can be brilliant when you pair it with a motivation to set foot in-store. This is especially true for businesses where window-shopping can lead to impulse purchases. 


4. Offer Incentives For Foot Traffic

SMS marketing can be brilliant when you pair it with a motivation to set foot in-store. This is especially true for businesses where window-shopping can lead to impulse purchases. 

5. Advertise on-site events

SMS marketing is an easy way to quickly raise interest about an in-person or in-store event. SMS marketing can be used in conjunction with emails and in-store signage to raise awareness and drive sign-ups toward events.


6. Engage With Graphics

MMS messages can be a visually engaging way to get a message across and get into the season, highlighting your Halloween-specific wares and offerings to further entice customers. 


7. Partner with local organizations

The fall season can be a great time to partner with local nonprofits and events. SMS can give you a platform to tout the partnership and let people know what they can do to help a cause. It can also be a way to encourage attendance at community-wide events where your team may have a presence.

8. Don’t Forget About After-Halloween Events

From dentist’s offices “buying back” candy to cafes and gyms touting sugar detoxes, the week after Halloween can also provide plenty of opportunities for organic marketing and events. Think of the sweet spots your business hits and where it may fall in the leadup and aftermath of Halloween.


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